About Us

If you are struggling against the tide of addiction, we can afford you the support you need to successfully attain your goals for recovery.

The Role Of Therapy

How do we accomplish this? We provide our clients with the specific treatment they need to successfully attain and then maintain the goals they possess for addiction recovery. We know that there are countless individuals who struggle with substance abuse, and every one of them has a unique set of circumstances.



By providing a full complement of different possible recovery treatments for our clients, we can ensure we’ll be able to provide them with the specific care they need to achieve recovery.

Drug Addiction

One strategy for addiction recovery treatment we offer is dual diagnosis mental health treatment.

Process Addiction

With dual diagnosis, clients will be getting the support they need to overcome substance abuse, even when they struggle with a co-occurring mental health disorder.

Co-occurring Disorders

Those clients who struggle with a co-occurring mental health disorder face unique challenges in the journey to addiction recovery.


In some instances, they may not even be aware that they are struggling with a co-occurring disorder.


Lack of control

This process, while necessary, can prove to be uncomfortable, or in some instances, even dangerous.

Desire to limit use

By taking part in supervised detox, our friendly staff will be on hand to provide clients with the support they need to make it through the process of detox safely.

Time spent

When a client has successfully completed the addiction recovery program we have provided for them here at our quality substance abuse treatment facility, they will be ready to graduate and move on to the next stage of their recovery.


However, we want all of our clients to know that just because they’ve left our drug rehab clinic doesn’t mean that the helpful experts on our staff will discontinue their support for the recovery of our clients.

Lack of responsibility

A customized plan for aftercare treatment will help you recognize that our staff will continue to support you even after you have left our substance abuse treatment center.